Shocking report – Hungarian patient reveals deficiencies during his coronavirus test

A suspected coronavirus patient revealed how the testing process had been carried out a few days ago.

After having experienced the symptoms suggestive of coronavirus – high fever, head cold, severe headache and joint pains – the patient called his GP, informing the doctor that one of his colleagues’ test was positive; however, he did not experience cough or breathlessness.

The family doctor said that in this case, he should be tested as well, providing a phone number to arrange it for himself. After calling the given number, he was told that the test could be arranged only by the GP. The patient recalled the family doctor who finally managed to arrange the test – within a few hours, the ambulance arrived at the flat.

„A man dressed up in protective clothes came into the apartment, asking me according to the protocol, then called an infection doctor to inform him about the symptoms. He decided whether the testing was necessary or not.”

Afterwards, the patient was informed that he would not be alone in the car – „three of us were delivered to Szent László Hospital.”

„In the hospital, we had to fill in a form, according to which, we were registered into the system. However, all the patients used the same pen without any disinfection. There was no hand sanitiser in the waiting room, and we had no mask (if you do not bring your own with you). While filling out the paper at the desk, I tried to stand far from a patient next to me, but I was asked to stand closer because they needed space. This particular area was needed to store blank papers.”

According to the Hungarian news portal Index – when the doctor arrived, the patient was interviewed and examined in a separate room, asking him about the reason why he was there. He told the doctor that both the general practitioners and the infection doctor suggested him to be tested.

Read alsoCoronavirus – Patients diagnosed in all Hungarian counties

“While making the test, I was asked about the last time I ate, I said that about an hour ago. They said that we are not allowed to eat or drink for hours before the sample. I told them I’m sorry, but nobody informed me about it. He said that yes, there are no words about it in the media.”

After the testing had been completed, the patient was asked to go home, and return 48 hours later for another sampling. When he asked about the results of the first sampling, they said that the patient does not get notification about the results, only the family doctor. Getting home should be resolved by yourself without taking a taxi or using public transport. For the second test (within 48 hours), you can go by car; however, voluntary home quarantine is required until then.

The patient precisely summarised in five points what led to his dissatisfaction:

  1. The family doctor did not know the exact steps of the process.

  2. There were three patients in the ambulance car without masks and disinfectants.

  3. There was no hand sanitiser in the hospital’s waiting room, but everyone used the same pen without any disinfection.

  4. Only the family doctor can be informed about the test results, who can inform the patient afterwards.

  5. Patients are informed that no public transport can be used, but no one checks whether it is realised.

The protocol of how the testing should be realised

As the Hungarian news portal Origo reports, in case of suspected coronavirus infection, if the patient’s transport to the hospital is not justified, the testing can be realised on-site by professionals. The National Ambulance Service published a video that shows step by step how the sampling process takes place and what are the most important rules.

The video reveals that the few minutes long process can be carried out in the correct protective equipment. The first step is to complete the necessary paperwork, prepare the required sampling devices, and put a hazardous waste bag in front of the patient. Then – using a stick – the sample is taken from the pharynx and the nasal mucosa. Then, the test is carefully packaged and placed into a freezer box.

Video: Orvosszakmai Osztály Országos Mentőszolgálat




    Please take serious notice of this patient’s experience and try to ensure it is PREVENTED in the future THROUGHOUT HUNGARY !

  2. Today, March 25th the UK Government announced that a home testing kit, akin to a home pregnancy test kit, will be available for sale ‘within days’. Free for all healthcare workers and available for sale to the general public via High Street Pharmacies and Amazon -source: The Guardian.
    Given the horrific experience of the patient in the article, the Hungarian Health Authorities should look into Home Test Kits as soon as possible and make them widely available.

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